Monday, December 14, 2009

Few Advantages of Investment In Trading

one of the advantages is that you can make huge profits even if you don’t have much money on your account. Considering for example the maximum 400:1 leverage, with just 0.25% of movement in your direction, you can double your account.So, when you’re right about a trade, leverage really pays off. No other market in the world offers so much leverage, and that’s why Forex has been attracting many traders.
it is the fact that Forex market can be accessed 24 hour at almost any time. Add to that the ease and accessibility of the internet and you get complete control and command over your investments and you can check even the smallest variance in the market at any one time. This is the dream of any investo and to someone dealing with a lot of money, a 12 hour wait could mean horror - things could go bad overnight and you would want to be able to nip any impending storms in the bud

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