Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Learn Ancient Egypt Mathematics (Number System)

1 = I 2 = II 3 = III 4 = IIII
10 = Arch determinative 100 = Rope determinative 1,000 = Flower determinative 10,000 = Finger determinative 100,000 = Tadpole determinative 1,000,000 = Ma'at worshiping determinative

As for fractions, 'r' r was used for the word 'part'. This means that r-10 rArch determinative is equivalent to our 1/10.

The Egyptian sign 'gs' 1/2 determinative was used for the word 'side' or 'half' ½. The word 'hsb' 1/4 determinative meant 'fraction', but it came to mean 'part-4' or ¼. 'rwy' 2/3 determinative meant 'two parts out of three' 2/3, and 'khmt rw' 3/4 determinative, though rare, was 'three parts out of four' 3/4.

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